
Saturday, March 3, 2012 Review

"Chocolate exactly the way you want it. No matter how unusual. This is the innovative idea behind the start-up company Chocomize." -

This post is going to be different from the usual stuff I post on here, but WHO CARES?! IT'S CHOCOLATE. Not just any chocolate, if I may add. is an online company in which you can customize chocolate bars. There are tons of different ingredients you can add to spruce up a normal chocolate bar (dark, milk and white). From dried fruit to candy to nuts and even bacon, the possibilities are endless. If you need some suggestions on what to get, there is a page of their popular chocolate bars or you can do what I did, and order an "I Feel Lucky" bar, which is a randomized chocolate bar.

If you "Like" me on Facebook, you may have seen the post I shared from the Chocomize Facebook page, in which they were offering a 30% off your entire order for 3 days for reaching 30,000 fans on Facebook. As I have been stalking the Chocomize website for a few months now, I took this as an opportunity to finally place an order.

I decided to get 5 "I Feel Lucky" bars for my family and I. These bars are actually a great value at $3.95 each because a plain chocolate bar without any added ingredients is $3.95. For the 5 chocolate bars plus shipping and tax (minus 30% off) my total was $18.82. I ordered on a Friday and received my package on the Monday :)

Here are the descriptions of the "I Feel Lucky" bars I received, my thoughts and the retail value if I would have customized the same exact bar myself.

1) Milk Chocolate bar with king-sized Kit Kat pieces and chocolate covered cookie dough pieces. This bar is soooooo delicious. The flavors really compliment each other. Plus, I love cookie dough AND Kit Kats! Their milk chocolate is very rich and satisfying. I have never been much of a chocolate eater but this chocolate is definitely better than your normal Hershey's chocolate bar. (Retail Value: $5.45)

2) Milk Chocolate bar with M&M's, toffee and caramel pieces. This is another bar that tastes amazing. It is a bit too sweet for me but that is actually good so I can eat it in moderation haha.  (Retail Value: $6.40)

3) Milk Chocolate bar with Reese's Pieces, Kit Kat pieces and peanut butter drops. I gave this one to my mom so I didn't personally taste it but do I really need to? All those peanut butter and milk chocolate flavors really compliment each other. (Retail Value: $6.30)


4) White Chocolate bar with Teddy Grahams and yogurt pretzels. Can someone pinch me? Their white chocolate is AMAZING! (Retail Value: $5.65)

5) Milk Chocolate with M&M's and pretzels. I gave this bar to two little kids. This is perfect for the them! The saltiness of the pretzel works well with the sweetness of the chocolate. (Retail Value: $5.35)

I was surprised I ended up with such great "I Feel Lucky" bars. I recommend and encourage you to check out their website and Facebook page. They really do reach out to their fans on their Facebook page and they have wonderful customer service. 

Have you ever purchased anything from What did you get?

*All items were purchased by me. *eats a piece of chocolate*


  1. These look amazing! I'm sorry I didn't order some.

  2. Were the additives mixed on the chocolate as well, or only placed on the bottom of the bar (as pictured)?

    1. they are on the top. but some things on the website are put throughout like cinimon bacon and sea salt


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