
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Threaded Comments on Blogger


There is now threaded commenting on Blogger. I have been waiting for this ever since I started blogging here. I know there are other programs out there to add threaded commenting on your blog, but I never felt comfortable with them. I am so excited!



  1. What is threaded comments??? Please spill the beans :)

    1. Thanks for your question. With threaded comments you can reply directly to someone's comment under their comment :) (Like what I am doing right now)

    2. Aw, I tried to set it up; I don't think I can because I have an old template. I want to change it to a new template but I'm afraid I'll mess everything up. I wish it was easy for me to find a new three column template so I can get this threaded comment thing. :)

    3. Changing your tamplate is easy-peasy and it isn't at all dangerous. Just click Design, then go to Template Designer then choose the template you want. I suggest Picture Window if you want to do custom backgrounds. Sites like The Cutest Blog on the Block and Shabby Blogs work with Picture Window.

      Click the template you want, any options you want (there will be a live picture that changes as you go so that you can see everything happen right before your eyes and you can tweak and change until it is just as you like it.) Once you have the template and options you like, click Apply To Blog and you are all set. One new template.

      You can then go to Layout to choose how you want your columns and so forth arranged. Save your changes. Then you can go to Advanced to choose fonts, colours and so forth.

      Really, it is sooo easy. It is fun and perfectly safe. All point and click. :D

    4. Great advice Ice Queen! Thanks for helping :)

    5. Thx Icequeen. I need to hire you. Lol! :)

  2. That's what is different! I couldn't put my finger on it. I thought it was just the font. >.< Thanks!

  3. Great. I go through all of this Discus nonsense and NOW Blogger does threaded commenting.

    I wonder if I will lose my comments since I went to Discus if I dump it, now? I like Discus okay but the extra raggle baggle attached to my blog does drag it down a bit.

    Must think about this.

    1. That is one of the reasons why I didn't sign up for one of those programs - I didn't know if I would lost my comments. I hope you don't lose them and I hope everything works out! :)


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