
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Leopard Print..well...almost

This was my first attempt at a leopard print manicure. Well, my second. My first was sometime last year when I first started getting into nail polish and nail art, but that manicure ended up looking like cow spots instead! Don't ask -_- LOL

I applied 2-3 coats of Cover Girl Sand Dune. I then used Milani Brown-a-licious and Unforgettable Moments Precious Metal to create the leopard print.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pyramid Passion

Above is 2 coats of Milani Pyramid Passion with fimo flower slices on the accent nail. This is a vibrant pink polish that I have had for a while, but I don't think I have ever used. I don't know why because it is an awesome color!

Please excuse the fact that I did not clean up the top coat that spilled over into my cuticles! I usually just peel it out under hot water rather than constantly taking acetone to my cuticles but I forgot this time!

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Brooch Collection

Since I was a little girl, I always collected brooches. For those of you that do not know, a brooch is a piece of decorative jewelry that can be attached to your clothing. Although I do not usually wear brooches, I do enjoy collecting them and admiring their beauty and the uniqueness that they can add to an outfit!

 This horse brooch is one of the first brooches I remember having.

 Cute, ain't it? This would be perfect to add on to a pastel colored polo shirt with shorts.

 This brooch is a bit more "sophisticated" looking. Maybe this one could be added on to a white or black blouse.

 This brooch is one of the coolest brooches I have ever owned. My aunt passed this along to me. I believe she purchased this from a museum shop years ago.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Midnight Blue

Two coats of NK Midnight Blue. Design on accent nail done with Revlon Gold Coin and Revlon Copper Penny.

Oh, my poor blog. I have been avoiding you. Why, you ask? I have been working out everyday! (There will be another post on this soon!) I am just too exhausted to come home and write a post. Plus, I have no inspiration ;( That will change though, I am sure!

For all of you that read my blog on a regular basis, I really do appreciate your support and I promise I will make it up to you, soon!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Kreativ Blogger Award

I was tagged for the Kreativ Blogger Award by My Nail Polish Online! Thanks so much! As a part of the award I have to tell 10 things about myself.

1. I was a HUGE nail biter when I was younger.

2. I haven't been on a vacation since I was 5 years old.

3. My nose is always red or shiny. Always.

4. I could live off of dorito's and cream soda.

5. I hate when my any of my food touches any other food in my plate. It drives me crazy.

6. My favorite flowers are tulips.

7. I wish I could start my life over.

8. I am afraid of the dark. I mean not necessarily of the dark, but what might be waiting for me in the darkness. At night, I turn on all the lights going up to my room. Thank god for dual light switches.

9. I laugh easily but that doesn't mean I am always happy!

10. I am on the road to a healthier lifestyle!

I believe I am supposed to tag 10 people but I tag each and every one of you =] !

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Soft, Silky and...Lucky?!

From left to right: Soft Pink, Silky Purple, Good Luck Charm

WOW! I haven't done a water marble manicure in ages! It turned out OK..I didn't realize Good Luck Charm was going to be so pale (then again it is a water marble being done with semi-thin nail polish) but it has a slight shimmer to it so it looks cool upclose! (click pictures to enlarge)

I really like the formula on these Jordana polishes. I already owned a few before but I pretty much overlooked them. However, these colors are gorgeous and will definitely be using them often!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Haul? Gifts? IDK!

*Since Blogger was being a jerk off and deleted everyone's posts and comments the other day, I have to re-post this and try and remember what I wrote!*

Can I call this a haul if these were given to me by someone? IDK! These polishes were generously passed on to me by a family friend. I was very surprised to get these because 1) I barely know her, 2) I haven't seen her in years and 3) I HIGHLY doubt she knows about my nail polish obsession! It warms my heart to know that some people can be so generous and I am so thankful to have these!

 From left to right: Jordana Garlic Growth Base Coat, Sweet Orange, Soft Pink, Silky Purple, Good Luck Charm, Orange Gleam

 From left to right: Red Gem, Midnight Blue, Instinct

From left to right: Maybelline Sparkling Champagne, Cover Girl Cherry Slick, Miss Kiss Superstar

Monday, May 9, 2011

Katy Cracked!

Cover Girl Crackle Ghost over one coat of Zoya Katy. Click to enlarge! It looks much better that way ;]

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Jungle Look

This is two coats of Ulta The Jungle Look with a few coats of Milani Gems on the accent nail. The formula of The Jungle Look was pretty damn good if you ask me!

Let me just give you all a little update about why my posts have been appearing shorter and less frequent these past 2 to 3 weeks. I go to school full time and I recently started working again part time at a new job. This means I am usually pretty busy during the week now. I always plan to write up a few scheduled posts on the weekends but I do not really get the time to because it seems like every weekend I am dividing up my time between family, boyfriend and friends.

So if you all notice me slacking a bit, don't be alarmed and I hope you all don't stop visiting my blog!