
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Since I feel like crap...

I don't have anything much to post about. I have been sick, and well, I just don't feel like doing anything. So here are just a few scenery pictures of the little places bf and I like to head out to when it is nice out.

Yep - graffiti. Wouldn't be New York without at least a piece of graffiti on something as beautiful as this -_-

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bath and Body Works (BBW) Haul and UPDATE

Just a quick update for you guys before I show my BBW haul. I know I haven't posted in a few days, but that usually is the case during the weekends!

Sunday, I completely broke off my pinky nail tip on my left hand! Not only did it break completely off, it broke off a little further down to where I hit blood. IT BURNS SO BAD! Anytime anything touches, I feel like someone is holding a lighter to it. Unfortunately I had to cut down all of my nails.

So what does this mean? Well, I won't be taking any manicure pictures for a while. What I will do is show you all swatch wheels and throw in a few manicures that were done prior to having my blog but never got around to showing you all! For those of you who have seen them (my friends on my personal FB page), well just take this as a little look back!

Now, on to the haul!

I went to Bath and Body Works last Thursday to pick up my free gift for being a LUV BBW CLUB member. If you were one of the lucky people that caught the form to sign up (I found out the last day and quickly signed up online!!) then you should have received a punch card in the mail! I received mine about 2 and a half weeks ago. One Thursday out of every month (from January to May) you present your LUV BBW CLUB membership card and you will receive a free gift, no purchase necessary.

The free gift this month was your choice of a PocketBac, PocketBac holder and anti-bacterial soap.

 I chose the Midnight Pomegranate PocketBac with a blue and white tie dye holder and Island Margarita anti-bacterial soap. Just three random choices!

When I got to the counter, I really could not help buying something and the new Carried Away scent was available in a 3oz. body splash for $2 and 2oz. lotion for $1! You definitely cannot go wrong there!

Again, at the counter, can't help myself! LOL! I saw these 1.6oz candles of the new scents: Calypso Sun, Carribbean Escape and Sparkling Mojito. These were on sale for 3 for $5 (reg. $3.50 each). They all smell amazing. Very tropical and they have me excited for the warm weather that will (hopefully) be coming soon!

All together I spent a total of $8.69 (includes tax). Can you say GREAT DEAL?! 

I also went to my local LUSH and picked up two more of the Once a Year Massage Bar and two Cinders bath bombs. Sadly, my LUSH, which was in a Macy's, closed down on Sunday. I live in New York and there are a few LUSH stores in Manhattan but having this LUSH close by was such a convenience! I am sad to see it go because I only recently go into LUSH. 

One last thing:

Here are a picture of the socks my aunt picked up for me at the BBW sale that ended on Sunday. They cost only $1 and change!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Nail Polish Community Forum

Hey all! I just wanted to make a quick post telling you all about the nail polish lovers forum I created! It is just a little place for any one to post on and get to know others that share the same interests! If you are not into nail polish or anything of that sort- don't worry! There is a general discussion area and bath and body area. I will also be adding to the board all the time to suit other interests!

If you are interested..just drop on by to The Nail Polish Community! Hope to see you there =]

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

The Stylish Blogger Award Rules
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

I was tagged for the Stylish Blogger Award by Viva Polish! Thank you so much =]

7 Things About Me:
  1. I am going to school for psychology and minoring in sociology.
  2. I hate wearing socks..and I guess shoes too because my feet always feel uncomfortable.
  3. I wish tv shows were like how they were in the 90s - light hearted and fun!
  4. When I was younger I really wanted to be an artist when I grew up. That dream was short lived because I am seriously no good!
  5. I have had 3 pet frogs.
  6. I need to lose at least 20 lbs.
  7. I don't like onions but I like onion flavored foods!
I am awarding the following blogs:

  2. ...Nail Babble...
  3. A Handmade Soap Blog
  4. Bella Sugar Cosmetics
  5. Dees Polish Endeavours
  6. Frugal Family Fun
  7. Mega LUSH Love!!
  8. Nail Polish Archeology
  9. Sampler Village
  10. Skin-A-Licious
  11. The Blogsale List
  12. Falsie Love
  13. DeShawn Marie Handcrafted Soap
  14. Makeup By Kimm!
  15. Mommy Musings: Notes from the Trenches

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Zoya Delilah

Zoya Delilah is the last of my 3 free polishes from the Zoya FB promo. This polish is ruby red colored with red iridescent sparkles. The above photos are of two coats with top coat but I could have used another coat of top coat to make it really shine.

Of the three, I would say my favorite is Zoya Skye because it very wearable! It will definitely be one of those nail polishes that I will buy again when I run out!

My least favorite was Zoya Ki. Don't get me wrong - this is an awesome nail polish but, quite frankly, dark purples look horrible against my skin color.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Little LUSH Post

Once a Year Massage Bar - The first time I smelled this I didn't think much of it. However, yesterday I went into my local LUSH and fell in love (as I do with all LUSH products! lol). It smells like bubble gum. Yummmy! There is a little iridescent sparkles in it but I do not mind it! Plus, all holiday items are now 50% off so I got this for $4 and change!

I finally picked up a shampoo bar! This is Soak and Float. It is supposed to help with dry scalp. I will definite update you all with my opinion on this. I do not really like the scent but I figure the scent won't stick to my hair anyway.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Zoya Skye

I have to admit that I am a little tired of seeing so much color on my nails. When I ordered Zoya Skye from the Facebook 3 free promotion, I was super excited because this is the type on nail polish color I have been wanting for a long time. A nude colored polish that is opaque in less than 38338474839 coats. *sigh*

Below is 3 coats of Zoya Skye, which is a baby pink with a slight brown undertone to it. Of course there is still a little visible nail line but I mean come on! Like I said above, almost full opacity for a nude colored polish with only 3 coats is awesome for me. I do not have any nude polish like this in my stash that compares to this!

If you are looking for a nail polish color suitable for work or just need a break from all the bright and crazy colors, Zoya Skye is a great choice!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Zoya Ki

This is one of the three free polishes I got from the Zoya Facebook promotion! I received my package of Ki, Delilah and Skye today!

Although the color does not look nice against my skin color, I love this polish. Zoya Ki is a purple/forest green duo chrome (click on the pictures for close ups). I applied 2 coats but I should have applied 3. The formula is a little too thin and runny for me but the color of the nail polish makes me forget about this issue! =]

I will be posting swatches of Delilah and Skye in the coming days!

Friday, January 7, 2011

I Mist You Violet! (Elizabeth Taylor and Sally Hansen)

Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in a few days. Sorry about that! No fear though, I have some eye candy for you all!

Isn't that packaging classy?

Elizabeth Taylor "Violet" is, well, a violet colored nail polish with a slight neon violet pearl. With two coats, there is still a visible nail line and the pearl that you can see in the bottle does not translate as well on to the nails.

Do you see the pearl that I was talking about?

To give it a little kick and sort of enhance that pearl undertone, I added a layer of Sally Hansen "Mist You", which is a sheer pink nail polish with a very similar pearl as Elizabeth Taylor "Violet"

Click the picture of the bottle below to get a better look at the pearl!

I hope you all can see the difference!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Bella Sugar Cosmetics Contest!

Bella Sugar Cosmetics is having a contest to re-name their company! They are giving away $177 worth of cosmetics and bath and body products to the winner!

Head over there to check out the details, see the list of prizes and enter to win!

Monday, January 3, 2011


I purchased Jordana Tangy at the 99 cent store a few weeks ago! I was so excited to use it but had to refrain myself until after the holidays. This creme based coral polish is definitely a Spring color but I could not resist any longer!

This baby applied BEAUTIFULY! This formula is definitely one I can work with. The above pictures are two coats with one coat of Seche Vite. The color is a bit brighter than what is showing up in the picture.

By the way, did you notice the length of my thumb nail? I've been breaking nails left and right! *sigh*

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays! It is sad to see them go and have to settle back in to the reality of our regular schedules!